AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    MEMS and NEMS Monday Sessions
       Session MN+AS-MoM

Paper MN+AS-MoM4
Carbon Nanotube Templated MEMS: Three Dimensional Microstructures in Semiconductors, Ceramics, and Metals

Monday, October 29, 2012, 9:20 am, Room 10

Session: Characterization of Surfaces and Interfaces in MEMS and NEMS
Presenter: R.C. Davis, Brigham Young University
Authors: R.C. Davis, Brigham Young University
L. Barrett, Brigham Young University
R. Hansen, Brigham Young University
A. Konneker, Brigham Young University
D.D. Allred, Brigham Young University
B.D. Jensen, Brigham Young University
R. VanFleet, Brigham Young University
Correspondent: Click to Email

We discuss a materials breakthrough for MEMS. In contrast with conventional electromechanical devices, whose constituents are chosen from a vast range materials and alloys to optimize fabrication, performance and cost, MEMS have largely been made using the same materials and methods as those used in the silicon-based microelectronics industry. In order to make MEMS out of a much richer suite of materials, including metals, semiconductors, and ceramics, we have developed a process termed carbon nanotube templated microfabrication (CNT-M). In CNT-M we employ patterned, vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests as a three-dimensional microfabrication scaffold to create precise high-aspect-ratio (up to 200:1) microstructures. The “as grown” CNT forests are very low density (at 0.009 g/cc the forest is ~1% car bon and 99% air) and not useful as mechanical materials because they are extremely fragile, due to their low density and weak intratube bonding. However, when we replace the air spaces between tubes in the forest with a filler material by atomistic deposition, the infiltrated CNT framework becomes a robust microstructure consisting mostly of the filler material. Thus, by patterning the CNT microstructure and limiting the deposition of the filler material, CNT-M gives us control over structural features on both the nano and microscales (nanoscale porosity and microscale structure). We have used chemical vapor deposition to infiltrate the CNT framework with semiconductors (Si) and ceramics (SiO2 , SiNx, and nanocrystalline carbon) for applications in microactuation, sensing, and chemical separations. But many potential MEMS applications would benefit from structures fabricated from functional metals. We now report on the fabrication of metal microstructures using the CNT-M process. We demonstrate the versatility of this fabrication approach by demonstrating both chemical vapor infiltration (making tungsten and molybdenum structures) and electrodeposition (making nickel structures) based metal CNT-M processes. These metals provide several desirable materials properties to high aspect ratio MEMS applications including high electrical and thermal conductivity, high melting temperatures, resistance to corrosion, low thermal expansion, high Young’s modulus, hardness and yield strength. Electrical, mechanical, and structural characterization of the microfabricated metal structures will also be presented.