AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Graphene and Related Materials Focus Topic Tuesday Sessions
       Session GR+AS+NS+SP+SS-TuA

Evidence of Nanocrystalline Semiconducting Graphene Monoxide during Thermal Reduction of Graphene Oxide in Vacuum

Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 2:20 pm, Room 13

Session: Graphene Characterization Including Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Presenter: C. Hirschmugl, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Authors: C. Hirschmugl, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
E. Mattson, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
H. Pu, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
S. Cui, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
M. Schofield, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
S. Rhim, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
G. Lu, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
M. Nasse, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
R.S. Ruoff, University of Texas at Austin
M. Weinert, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
M. Gajdardziska-Josifovska, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
J. Chen, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Correspondent: Click to Email

As silicon-based electronics are reaching the nanosize limits of the semiconductor roadmap, carbon-based nanoelectronics has become a rapidly growing field, with great interest in tuning the properties of carbon-based materials. Chemical functionalization is a proposed route, but syntheses of graphene oxide (G-O) produce disordered, nonstoichiometric materials with poor electronic properties. We report synthesis of an ordered, stoichiometric, solid-state carbon oxide that has never been observed in nature and coexists with graphene. Formation of this material, graphene monoxide (GMO)[1], is achieved by annealing multilayered G-O. A combination of transmission electron microscopy and infrared microspectroscopy have provided critical experimental evidence to identify the novel structure. These results indicate that the resulting thermally reduced G-O (TRG-O) consists of a two-dimensional nanocrystalline phase segregation: unoxidized graphitic regions are separated from highly oxidized regions of GMO. GMO has a quasi-hexagonal unit cell, an unusually high 1:1 O:C ratio, and a calculated direct band gap of approximately 0.9 eV.

This work was supported by the NSF (CMMI-0856753 and CMMI-0900509). This work is based upon experiments performed at the Synchrotron Radiation Center. The SRC is funded by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Work performed at the SRC IRENI beamline been done with support from an NSF Major Research Instrumentation grant (DMR-0619759). The authors thank Bruker Technologies for the Grazing Angle Objective used for this work.

[1] Mattson, E.C. et al., ACSNano (2011) 5 (2011) 9710-9717.