AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Tuesday Sessions
       Session EW-TuL

Paper EW-TuL2
Complementary Nature of XPS and Raman Techniques

Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 12:20 pm, Room West Hall

Session: Exhibitor Technology Spotlight
Presenter: R. Kershner, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Authors: R. Kershner, Thermo Fisher Scientific
T. Nunney, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Correspondent: Click to Email

The increasingly complex nature of structure-property investigations in bulk, nanostructured, and thin-film applications has demanded a renewed focus on complementary techniques for chemical and structural analysis. At the same time, the most successful experimental protocols will take advantage of minimal sample preparation, straightforward data collection, and unambiguous interpretation of results. In this talk, we present a broad overview of the rich chemical and structural information provided by both Raman and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopies, with an emphasis on applications that derive significant benefit from leveraging both techniques in a complementary fashion. While both XPS and Raman can be used to generate complex datasets using a variety of advanced sampling approaches, the real power lies in the user's ability to generate answers to challenging problems without the need for an in-depth understanding of the technique itself. Specific examples will be given that demonstrate how both approaches are essential to uncovering the fundamental science behind functionalization of thin graphene films, characterization of one-dimensional carbon materials, and other applications -- allowing anyone to quickly develop expertise in new and emerging fields.