AVS 59th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Electronic Materials and Processing Wednesday Sessions
       Session EM+OX-WeA

Invited Paper EM+OX-WeA1
Dielectric Requirements for a Novel Tunnel-FET Based on Room-Temperature Superfluidity in Graphene Double Layers

Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 2:00 pm, Room 009

Session: Oxides and Dielectrics for Novel Devices and Ultra-dense Memory
Presenter: L.F. Register, University of Texas at Austin
Authors: L.F. Register, University of Texas at Austin
X. Mau, University of Texas at Austin
D. Reddy, University of Texas at Austin
D. Basu, University of Texas at Austin
W. Jung, University of Texas at Austin
I. Sodeman, University of Texas at Austin
D. Pesin, University of Texas at Austin
A. Hassibi, University of Texas at Austin
A.H. MacDonald, University of Texas at Austin
S.K. Banerjee, University of Texas at Austin
Correspondent: Click to Email

The Bilayer pseudo-spin Field Effect Transistor (BiSFET) is a novel transistor concept based on possible room temperature superfluidity in two graphene layers separated by a thin dielectric. In principle, the switching energy per device could be on the scale of 10 zJ, over two orders of magnitude below estimates for "end-of the roadmap" CMOS transistors. However, at the time of writing, neither a BiSFET nor just such room temperature superfluidity have been demonstrated, and doing so poses substantial challenges both theoretical and experimental. Most significant among these challenge for this novel device concept now appear to be those associated with its novel dielectric requirements. In this presentation I will cover the basic concepts behind graphene superfluidity and BiSFET concepts, our current understanding―and limits to that understanding―of the requirements for condensate formation, and how these requirements could impact BiSFET design. In particular, I will compare and contrast the dielectric needs for the proposed BiSFET to those of conventional transistors.