AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Thin Film | Monday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:20am | TF+EN-MoM1 Invited Paper ALD Applications in Heterogeneous Catalysis P.C. Stair, Northwestern University & Argonne National Lab, J. Lu, Northwestern University, H. Feng, J.E. Libera, J.W. Elam, M.J. Pellin, Argonne National Laboratory, H.-S. Kim, Northwestern University |
9:00am | TF+EN-MoM3 Process and Materials Optimization for Ru/RuO2 ALD using a Novel Cyclohexadienyl Precursor K. Gregorczyk, L. Henn-Lecordier, University of Maryland, J. Gatineau, C. Dussarrat, Air Liquide, G.W. Rubloff, University of Maryland |
9:20am | TF+EN-MoM4 Atomic Layer Deposition Enabled Metal-Insulator-Metal Tunnel Diode for Infrared Energy Rectifying System I.-T. Wu, University of South Florida, N. Kislov, NanoCVD Inc., J. Wang, University of South Florida |
9:40am | TF+EN-MoM5 New Semiconductor-Insulator-Semiconductor Solar Cell Concept based on Wet Chemically Etched Silicon Nanowires: Processing and Electro-Optical Properties B. Hoffmann, V.A. Sivakov, G. Broenstrup, F. Talkenberg, Institute of Photonic Technology, Germany, S.H. Christiansen, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany |
10:00am | TF+EN-MoM6 Ultrathin Al2O3 for c-Si Solar Cells: Differences in Passivation by Thermal and Plasma ALD-Synthesized Films G. Dingemans, N.M. Terlinden, M.L.C. Adams, H.B. Profijt, M.M. Mandoc, M.C.M. van de Sanden, E.W.M.M. Kessels, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands |
10:40am | TF+EN-MoM8 Invited Paper Cathodoluminescent and Photoluminescent Properties of Pulsed Laser Deposited Thin Phosphor Films O.M. Ntwaeaborwa, P.D. Nsimama, J.J. Dolo, University of the Free State, South Africa, M.S. Dhlamini, University of the Free State and CSIR, South Africa, E. Coetsee, J.J. Terblans, H.C. Swart, University of the Free State, South Africa |