AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Surface Science | Wednesday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:00am | SS2-WeM1 Invited Paper Focused Electron Beam Induced Processing: Experiments, Simulations, and Applications P.D. Rack, University of Tennessee |
8:40am | SS2-WeM3 Electron Beam Deposition for Nanofabrication: Insights from Surface Science H. Fairbrother, Johns Hopkins University, J. Wnuk, Princeton University, J. Gorham, National Institute of Standards and Technology, S. Rosenberg, Johns Hopkins University, C.W. Hagen, TU Delft, the Netherlands, W. van Dorp, University of Groningen, the Netherlands |
9:00am | SS2-WeM4 Multi-Electron Effects in Low Energy Sr+ Ion Scattering X. He, J.A. Yarmoff, University of California, Riverside |
9:20am | SS2-WeM5 Parallel Scanning Near-Field Photolithography: The Snomipede E. ul Haq, University of Sheffield, UK, Z. Liu, University of Nottingham, UK, S. Alang Ahmad, University of Sheffield, UK, Y. Zhang, University of Glasgow, Ireland, L.S. Wong, University of Manchester, UK, J.K. Hobbs, G.J. Leggett, University of Sheffield, UK, J. Micklefield, University of Manchester, UK, C.J. Roberts, University of Nottingham, UK, J.M.R. Weaver, University of Glasgow, UK |
9:40am | SS2-WeM6 Understanding the Effects of Radiation on the Cerium Oxide Thin Films by Experiment and Simulation A. Kumar, University of Central Florida, V. Shutthanandan, R. Devanathan, S. Kuchibhatla, S. Thevuthasan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, S. Seal, University of Central Florida |
10:40am | SS2-WeM9 Methyl Radical Velocity Distributions from Ketone Photooxidation on TiO2(110) D. Wilson, M. White, Stony Brook University |
11:00am | SS2-WeM10 Laser Nitriding for Niobium Superconducting Radio-Frequency Accelerator Cavities S. Singaravelu, Old Dominion University, J.M. Klopf, G. Krafft, Jefferson Lab, M.J. Kelley, College of William & Mary |
11:20am | SS2-WeM11 A Model for the Hydroaffinity OH(1x1)-Si(100) and SiO2 via Ion Beam Analysis (IBA), Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microsccopy (TMAFM) and Surface Energy Analysis from Contact Angle Analysis Q.B. Xing, N. Herbots, M.A. Hart, R.J. Culbertson, J.D. Bradley, Arizona State University |
11:40am | SS2-WeM12 UV Induced Work Function Changes of Metal Oxide Surfaces M. Conrad, S. Gutmann, M.M. Beerbom, R. Schlaf, University of South Florida |