AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Plasma Science and Technology | Thursday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
8:20am | PS-ThM2 Etching of MTJ by using Non-Corrosive Gas Mixtures S.K. Kang, M.H. Jeon, J.Y. Park, G.Y. Yeom, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea |
8:40am | PS-ThM3 Effect of SiH4 Addition on the Sidewall Passivation Mechanism during the Anisotropic Etching of III-V Materials in Cl2-based ICP Discharges L. Gatilova, S. Bouchoule, G. Patriarche, S. Guilet, Cnrs - Lpn, France |
9:00am | PS-ThM4 Deep Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of GaN J. Ladroue, GREMI - STMicroelectronics, France, M. Boufnichel, STMicroelectronics, France, T. Tillocher, P. Lefaucheux, P. Ranson, R. Dussart, GREMI, France |
9:20am | PS-ThM5 Mass-selected Ion Beam Study on Reactive Ion Etching Mechanisms for Pt, Co and PtCo Thin Films K. Karahashi, T. Ito, S. Hamaguchi, Osaka University, Japan |
9:40am | PS-ThM6 Oxygen and Chlorine Atom Recombination on TiO2, SiO2, and SiOxCly-Coated Plasma Chamber Wall Surfaces R. Khare, V.M. Donnelly, University of Houston |
10:40am | PS-ThM9 Characteristics of Silicon Nitride Etching by Reactive Plasmas Containing CHxFy Ions T. Ito, K. Karahashi, Osaka University, Japan, M. Fukasawa, T. Tatsumi, Sony, Japan, S. Hamaguchi, Osaka University, Japan |
11:00am | PS-ThM10 H2/Ar and D2/Ar Plasma Interactions with a-C:H Surfaces: A Detailed Study of Modified Layer Formation and Erosion N. Fox-Lyon, F. Weilnboeck, G.S. Oehrlein, University of Maryland, N. Ning, D.B. Graves, University of California at Berkeley |
11:20am | PS-ThM11 Invited Paper Plasma Surface Interactions for Low-k Material Etching M. Hori, Nagoya University, Japan |