AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Thin Film | Thursday Sessions |
Session TF-ThP |
Session: | Thin Film Poster Session II |
Presenter: | G. Triani, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation |
Authors: | P.J. Evans, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Y. Murai, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan M. Lindsay, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation J. Davis, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation G. Triani, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation |
Correspondent: | Click to Email |
In recent years, atomic layer deposition (ALD) has emerged as a technology platform for nanofabrication [1]. This interest has evolved from its intrinsic advantages; inherent thickness control, the ability to prepare highly conformal pin-hole free films, low temperature film growth and its large area uniformity. These redeeming characteristics have broadened the application of ALD films in such diverse areas as encapsulation of nanoparticles [2], templating of complex structures [3] and the modification of membranes [4].
The deposition of atomic layer protective coatings on flexible polymers and metals is another target application to improve the lifetime performance of functional materials that may be susceptible to degradation [5]. In particular, the ingress of moisture and atmospheric gases as well as the effects of abrasion and thermal cycling can significantly diminish a material’s suitability in cases where its bulk properties meet all other requirements. Inorganic barrier coatings on flexible substrates are subject to additional constraints where the mechanical strength and adhesion of the protective coating are particularly important.
In this study, ALD alumina coatings were deposited on flexible substrates including polycarbonate, polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), copper and titanium, to investigate their toughness and adhesion under tensile load. In addition, the effect of deposition conditions on the performance of these protective coatings will be presented.