AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Electronic Materials and Processing Tuesday Sessions

Session EM-TuM
Zinc Oxide

Tuesday, November 14, 2006, 8:00 am, Room 2003
Moderator: S.M. Durbin, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am EM-TuM1
Impact of Subsurface Defects in Metal-ZnO(000-1) Schottky Barrier Formation
H.L. Mosbacker, M.J. Hetzer, The Ohio State University, Y.M. Strzhemechny, Texas Christian University, M. Gonzalez, S.A. Ringel, The Ohio State University, D.C. Look, Wright State University, G. Cantwell, ZN Technology, Inc., L.J. Brillson, The Ohio State University
8:20am EM-TuM2
Surface and Optical Properties of Zn-face versus O-face ZnO
S. Chevtchenko, J.C. Moore, U. Ozgur, X. Gu, A.A. Baski, H. Morkoc, Virginia Commonwealth University
8:40am EM-TuM3 Invited Paper
Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Thin Films
T.J. Coutts, X. Li, T.M. Barnes, J.N. Duenow, C.L. Perkins, S.E. Asher, B.M. Keyes, T.A. Gessert, S. Zhang, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
9:20am EM-TuM5
Low Resistivity Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Grown by Atmospheric Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
M.D. Barankin, E. Gonzalez II, A.M. Ladwig, R.F. Hicks, University of California, Los Angeles
9:40am EM-TuM6
Transparent Conducting Zinc Oxide Thin Films Doped with Aluminum, Molybdenum, and Vanadium
J.N. Duenow, Colorado School of Mines, T.A. Gessert, T.M. Barnes, T.J. Coutts, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
10:40am EM-TuM9
Study of Impurities and Dopants in CVD Grown ZnO:N
S.E. Asher, T.M. Barnes, X. Li, C.L. Perkins, M.R. Young, T.J. Coutts, NREL
11:00am EM-TuM10
Carrier Dynamics of ZnO Thin Films - Degeneracy, Inhomogeneity and Multiple Carriers
W.C.T Lee, C.H. Swartz, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, M. Cheung, A.N. Cartwright, University at Buffalo, S. Chandril, T.H. Myers, West Virginia University, S.M. Durbin, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
11:20am EM-TuM11
On the Morphology and Conductivity Control of the Expanding Thermal Plasma-Deposited ZnO Films
I. Volintiru, M. Creatore, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, C.I.M.A. Spee, TNO Science and Industry, The Netherlands, M.C.M. Van De Sanden, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
11:40am EM-TuM12
X-ray Excited Optical Luminescence Studies of ZnO Nanowires and ZnO/Mg@sub x@Zn@sub (1-x)@O Core-Shell Nanowires*
R.A. Rosenberg, G.K. Shenoy, Argonne National Laboratory, L.-C. Tien, D.P. Norton, S.J. Pearton, University of Florida, X.H. Sun, T.K. Sham, University of Western Ontario, Canada