AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Nucleic Acids at Surfaces Topical Conference Monday Sessions

Session DN-MoA
Nucleic Acids at Surfaces II

Monday, November 13, 2006, 2:00 pm, Room 2014
Moderator: L.J. Gamble, University of Washington

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm DN-MoA1
Counter Ion Free DNA Monolayers - Is It Possible?
A. Vilan, D. Peled, S. Guha Ray, S. Daube, H. Cohen, R. Naaman, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
2:20pm DN-MoA2
Transport of DNA in Porous Silicon-Based Microarrays by an External Potential Gradient
R. Yamaguchi, K. Ishibashi, K. Miyamoto, Y. Kimura, M. Niwano, Tohoku University, Japan
2:40pm DN-MoA3
The Charging Response of DNA Brushes
R. Levicky, Polytechnic University, G. Shen, N. Tercero, P. Gong, Columbia University
3:00pm DN-MoA4
Electrostatic Forces at the Liquid-Solid Interface: Biochips
B.M. Pettitt, University of Houston
3:20pm DN-MoA5 Invited Paper
DNA Conformation on Surfaces Measured by Fluorescence Self-Interference
B.B. Goldberg, L. Moiseev, C.R. Cantor, A.K. Swan, M.S. Unlu, Boston University
4:00pm DN-MoA7
Investigation of the Electronic Structure of Ribonucleic Acid Homo Polymer Electronic Structure, Ionization Energy and Charge Injection Barriers to Inorganic Materials
J.P. Magulick, Y. Yi, M.M. Beerbom, R. Schlaf, University of South Florida
4:20pm DN-MoA8
Electrical Manipulation of DNA on Metal Substrates: Electric Interactions, Molecular Dynamics, and Implications of Hydrodynamic Flow
U. Rant, Walter Schottky Institute, Tech. Univ. Munich, Germany, K. Arinaga, Walter Schottky Institute, Germany & Fujitsu Labs Ltd., Japan, C. Hautmann, S. Scherer, E. Pringsheim, Walter Schottky Institute, Tech. Univ. Munich, Germany, S. Fujita, N. Yokoyama, Fujitsu Labs Ltd., Japan, M. Tornow, G. Abstreiter, Walter Schottky Institute, Tech. Univ. Munich, Germany
4:40pm DN-MoA9
Achieving Reliable Microarray Analysis Results Using Competitive Hybridization
A. Chagovetz, L. Williams, J. Bishop, S. Blair, University of Utah