AVS 53rd International Symposium
    Applied Surface Science Thursday Sessions
       Session AS-ThP

Paper AS-ThP31
Atom Probe Characterization of Thin FIlms

Thursday, November 16, 2006, 5:30 pm, Room 3rd Floor Lobby

Session: Aspects of Applied Surface Science Poster Session
Presenter: D.J. Larson, Imago Scientific Instruments Corp
Correspondent: Click to Email

To accelerate research and development cycles for devices dependant on nanoscale materials,@footnote1@ it is important to correlate device microstructure with specific processing conditions and physical properties. In the magnetic storage and semiconductor industries, this is particularly important due to the ever-shrinking characteristic length scales on which devices are being fabricated. Atom probe tomography@footnote 2,3@ has the capability to play an important role in this development due to its capability to provide quantitative 3-D atomic-scale imaging together with high analytical sensitivity. Local electrode atom probe (LEAP®) technology combines sub-nanometer spatial resolution with chemical composition at scales on the same order as device structures.@footnote 4@ In this presentation, applications of the LEAP microscope to a variety of nanomaterials systems used in the magnetic recording and semiconductor industries will be presented. These systems include 1) magnetoresistive spin valves and tunnel junctions@footnote 5,6@ which are two structures commonly used to form the "reader" portion of magnetic recording heads, 2) current-confined-path spin valve structures 3) perpendicular recording media in which oxygen is used to isolate magnetically the individual grains in Co-based alloys, 4) ultra shallow dopants implanted in silicon, and 5) silicon-germanium (SiGe) layered structures. @FootnoteText@ @footnote 1@ R. L. Comstock, J. Mat. Sci. Mat. Elec. 13(9) (2002) 509.@footnote 2@ A. Cerezo et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69 (1998) 49@footnote 3@ M. K. Miller, Atom Probe Tomography, Kluwar Academic Publishers, New York, 2000.@footnote 4@ T. F. Kelly et al., Micro. Microanal. 10(3) (2004) 373.@footnote 5@ D. J. Larson, Thin Solid Films 505 (2006) 16.@footnote 6@ D. J. Larson et al., Acta Mater. 52(10) (2004) 2847.