AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Surface Science Wednesday Sessions

Session SS2-WeA
Reactions on Nanoclusters

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 2:00 pm, Room 203
Moderator: I. Chorkendorff, Technical University of Denmark

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm SS2-WeA1
Physical and Chemical Properties of Model Catalysts Prepared by Size-Selected Cluster Deposition
T. Wu, S. Lee, C. Fan, W. Kaden, S.L. Anderson, University of Utah
2:20pm SS2-WeA2
Probing the Chemical Reactivity of Oxide-Supported Pd Nanoparticles with STM
J. Zhou, A.P. Baddorf, S.V. Kalinin, S.H. Overbury, D.R. Mullins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2:40pm SS2-WeA3 Invited Paper
Structure and Reactivity of Metal Clusters
H.J. Freund, Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max-Planck-Society, Germany
3:20pm SS2-WeA5
The Active Structure of Supported Au Catalysts
M.S. Chen, Z. Yan, Y. Cai, W.T. Wallace, X.F. Lai, D.W. Goodman, Texas A&M University
3:40pm SS2-WeA6
Neutralization of Low Energy Li Ions Scattered from Au Nanoclusters
G.F. Liu, University of California, Riverside, Z. Sroubek, Czech Academy of Sciences, J.A. Yarmoff, University of California, Riverside
4:00pm SS2-WeA7
Growth and Reactivity of Bimetallic Pt-Rh Nanoclusters on Titanium Dioxide
S. Ma, Brookhaven National Laboratory, J.S. Ratliff, J.B. Park, D.A. Chen, University of South Carolina
4:20pm SS2-WeA8
Reactive-Layer-Assisted Deposition (RLAD) of TiO@sub 2@ Nanoparticles on Au(111) Studied by STM and XPS
Z. Song, Columbia University, J. Hrbek, Brookhaven National Laboratory, R.M. Osgood, Columbia University
5:00pm SS2-WeA10
Bimodal Pd Cluster Growth on the Reduced SnO2 (101) Surface
Kh. Katsiev, M. Batzill, U. Diebold, Tulane University