AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Surface Science Friday Sessions

Session SS1-FrM
Surface Modification through Etching

Friday, November 4, 2005, 8:20 am, Room 202
Moderator: K.T. Queeney, Smith College

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am SS1-FrM1 Invited Paper
Creating Si Structures from Meso- to Nano-scale via Chemical and Laser-Assisted Methods
K.W. Kolasinski, University of Virginia
9:00am SS1-FrM3
Optical Second Harmonic Generation as a Diagnostic Tool in Ar@super +@ and XeF@sub 2@ Beam Etching Studies of Silicon
J.J.H. Gielis, A.A.E. Stevens, P.M. Gevers, H.C.W. Beijerinck, M.C.M. Van De Sanden, W.M.M. Kessels, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
9:40am SS1-FrM5
157 nm Laser Interactions with Fused Silica@footnote 1@
S.R. John, J.A. Leraas, S.C. Langford, J.T. Dickinson, Washington State University
10:00am SS1-FrM6
Ion-induced Initiation of Defects on Graphite at Hyperthermal Beam Energies
X. Liu, T. Tzvetkov, X.D. Qin, D.C. Jacobs, University of Notre Dame, N. Mateljevic, J.C. Tully, Yale University
10:20am SS1-FrM7
Etching of Carbonaceous Thin Films by Atomic Oxygen: The Influence of Chemical Composition, Substrate Temperature and Gas Phase Environment
H. Fairbrother, J. Gorham, Johns Hopkins University
10:40am SS1-FrM8
Consequences of Exposing Ionic Single Crystals to UV Laser Light, keV Electrons, and Low Pressure Water Vapor@footnote 1@
J.T. Dickinson, K. Kjelgaard, S.C. Langford, Washington State University