AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Electronic Materials and Processing Monday Sessions

Session EM-MoM
Electronic Properties of High-k Dielectrics and their Interfaces

Monday, October 31, 2005, 8:20 am, Room 309
Moderator: S.A. Chambers, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Univ. of Washington

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am EM-MoM1 Invited Paper
Electronic Properties of High-K Dielectrics and their Interfaces
J. Robertson, University of Cambridge, UK
9:00am EM-MoM3
The Effect of Nitrogen Incorporation on the Material and Electrical Properties of HfO@sub 2@ on Si
M. Sawkar, J. Choi, R. Puthenkovilakam, J.P. Chang, UCLA
9:20am EM-MoM4
Suppression of Fixed Charge at Internal Interfaces between SiO@sub 2@ and Dual-Layer High-k Gate Dielectrics: HfO@sub 2@-Al@sub 2@O@sub 3@
C.L. Hinkle, G. Lucovsky, North Carolina State University
9:40am EM-MoM5
Self-organization of Thin Film Dielectrics and Their Interfaces in Gate Stacks for Advanced Si Devices
G. Lucovsky, NC State University, J.C. Phillips, Rutgers University
10:00am EM-MoM6
Physical and Electrical Properties of LaAlO@sub 3@, Potential Candidate for High K Gate Dielectric
V. Edon, M.C. Hugon, O. Voldoire, B. Agius, Universite Paris Sud, France, I.J.R. Baumvol, L. Miotti, K.P. Bastos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
10:20am EM-MoM7
Magnesium Oxide as a High-K Gate Dielectric
L. Yan, C.M. Lopez, E.A. Irene, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
10:40am EM-MoM8
Spectroscopic Studies of Band Alignment in Metal/High-k Dielectric/Si Gate Stacks
E. Bersch, S. Rangan, O. Celik, W. Jiang, C.L. Hsueh, E. Garfunkel, R.A. Bartynski, Rutgers University
11:00am EM-MoM9
Characterization of Nitrided Hafnium Silicates for High-@kappa@ Dielectrics Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy
A. Mathew, K. Demirkan, University of Delaware, C.-G. Wang, G. Wilk, ASM America, R.L. Opila, University of Delaware
11:20am EM-MoM10
Surface Functionalization and Interface Characterization for HfO@sub 2@ Growth by Atomic Layer Deposition
Y. Wang, M.-T. Ho, L.S. Wielunski, L.V. Goncharova, T. Gustafsson, Y.J. Chabal, Rutgers University, N. Moumen, Sematech, M.P. Boleslawski, Aldrich Chemical Co.
11:40am EM-MoM11
Differences in Band Edge Electronic Structure between Nanocrystalline ZrO@sub 2@ and HfO@sub 2@ Thin Films, and Bulk Crystals and Thin Films of Cubic Zironia (ZrO@sub 2@-Y@sub 2@O@sub 3@) and Hafnia (HfO@sub 2@-Y@sub 2@O@sub 3@)
N.A. Stoute, H. Seo, C.C. Fulton, D.E. Aspnes, G. Lucovsky, North Carolina State University