AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Wednesday Sessions
       Session MI+EM-WeA

Paper MI+EM-WeA6
Ferromagnetic Properties of Mn-implanted Si

Wednesday, November 2, 2005, 3:40 pm, Room 204

Session: Magnetic Semiconductors
Presenter: M. Bolduc, University at Albany - SUNY
Authors: M. Bolduc, University at Albany - SUNY
C. Awo-Affouda, University at Albany - SUNY
M.B. Huang, University at Albany - SUNY
F. Ramos, University at Albany - SUNY
V.P. LaBella, University at Albany - SUNY
Correspondent: Click to Email

Integrating spintronic device concepts with silicon may enable new possibilities for fabrication. In addition, theoretical calculations have predicted ferromagnetic ordering in Mn-doped group-IV semiconductors. This potential has motivated the search for a Si-based ferromagnetic semiconductor. We demonstrate that p-doped and n-doped Si crystals can be made ferromagnetic above room temperature through Mn-ion implantation. 300-keV Mn@super+@ ions were implanted at doses of (1-10)X10@super15@ cm@super-2@ reaching peak concentrations of (0.1-0.8) at.% as measured through SIMS profiling. Ferromagnetic hysteresis loops were obtained using a SQUID magnetometer at temperature of (10-300) K, yielding a saturation magnetization of 0.1-0.7 emu/g-sample. The Curie temperature is found >400 K with carrier concentration dependence. We will report on the dependence of the magnetic properties on the post-implant annealing temperature and Mn concentration. These results will be discussed in comparison with other ion implanted or MBE grown group-IV ferromagnetic semiconductors.