AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Applied Surface Science Friday Sessions
       Session AS-FrM

Paper AS-FrM8
Surface Characterization of Metal Exchanged Mesoporous Materials

Friday, November 4, 2005, 10:40 am, Room 206

Session: Practical Methods and Applications for Surface Analysis
Presenter: S.G. MacKay, University of Maine
Authors: S.G. MacKay, University of Maine
K.D. Bishop, University of Maine
B.K. Schaefer, University of Maine
J.D. Anderson, University of Maine
J.C. Bolton, University of Maine
H.H. Patterson, University of Maine
Correspondent: Click to Email

We are investigating the role of transition metal clusters in heterogeneous photocatalysts used for the remediation of a variety of toxic organic compounds. These catalysts have already been successfully employed in remediating organophosphorous and carbamate compounds,@footnote 1@ and they have also been shown to be robust in the presence of dissolved organic carbon.@footnote 2@ The design of these catalysts involves incorporating metal ions into mesoporous materials via ion exchange. Manipulation of the support material geometry and the metal ion composition provides control over the catalyst selectivity and reactivity. Currently we are expanding our application areas to include biological target molecules and organisms. For these studies we have covalently attached zeolite and MCM photocatalysts onto a polymer surface using a methacryl silane. XPS was used to study both the catalyst/polymer attachment chemistry as well as the surface oxidation states of the photocatalytic metal sites. Catalysts studied include faujasite zeolites at different Si/Al ratios exchanged with Ag as well as with mixed metals (Ag/Cu). The correlation of these results with earlier published work using photoluminescence will be shown along with data from both TOF-SIMS and high resolution TEM analyses of these same materials. @FootnoteText@ @footnote 1@J. Phys. Chem. B. 2001, 105, 7508-7516.@footnote 2@Envir. Sci. Technol. 2003, 37, 2280.