AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Applied Surface Science Friday Sessions
       Session AS-FrM

Paper AS-FrM7
Thin Oxide Free Phosphate Films of Novel Composition formed on the Surface of Vanadium Metal and Characterized by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Friday, November 4, 2005, 10:20 am, Room 206

Session: Practical Methods and Applications for Surface Analysis
Presenter: P.M.A. Sherwood, Oklahoma State University
Authors: D.J. Asunskis, Oklahoma State University
P.M.A. Sherwood, Oklahoma State University
Correspondent: Click to Email

This paper reports the preparation of thin (less than 100 Angstroms) oxide-free phosphate films of various compositions on vanadium metal. These films are interesting because of their potential for corrosion inhibition, adhesion promotion and biocompatibility. Valence band and core-level X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to characterize the films. The valence band spectra obtained were compared with spectra generated from band structure calculations for various vanadium phosphates and from previously reported spectra of vanadium phosphates. Novel vanadium phosphate coatings were created by the reaction of vanadium metal and different phosphorus-oxygen containing acids, H@sub 3@PO@sub 4@, H@sub 3@PO@sub 3@, H@sub 3@PO@sub 2@ and H@sub 4@P@sub 2@O@sub 7@. The paper focuses upon the valence band region which shows significant differences between the three vanadium phosphate films formed as well as clear differences between the three phosphates and vanadium oxides. The valence band spectra are effectively interpreted by band structure calculations. @FootnoteText@ The work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CHE-0137502.