AVS 52nd International Symposium
    Applied Surface Science Friday Sessions
       Session AS-FrM

Paper AS-FrM5
Comparison of Methods for the Quantification and 3D Characterization of Polymer Blends using XPS and CLSM

Friday, November 4, 2005, 9:40 am, Room 206

Session: Practical Methods and Applications for Surface Analysis
Presenter: J.L. Fenton, University of New Mexico
Authors: J.L. Fenton, University of New Mexico
K. Artyushkova, University of New Mexico
J.E. Fulghum, University of New Mexico
Correspondent: Click to Email

The complete characterization of a heterogeneous polymer blend often requires multiple analytical techniques; each of the techniques providing limited data compared to the total information required. The most effective approach to multitechnique analysis utilizes data acquired from the same area on the same sample. However, there are still a number of issues to be resolved if quantitative multitechnique fusion is to be utilized. This study evaluates methods for quantifying phases observed in confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) images. CLSM images can have a lateral resolution comparable to or better than XPS images, provide information on fluorescent polymer phase distribution, and 3D volumes can be created by changing the focal plane. In this talk we evaluate the use of CLSM images to quantitatively investigate phase distributions in polymer blends as a function of depth. CLSM image quantification methods including using image intensity calibration beads with vertical polymer blend distribution standards, analytical treatment of CLSM optics and fluorescence properties, and correlation with XPS images are compared. The quantitative concentration data is then used to create a 3D volume containing chemical and elemental concentration information. This work has been partially supported by NSF CHE-0350666, the UNM NSF IGERT CORE DGE-00114319 and UNM.