AVS 50th International Symposium
    Plasma Science and Technology Tuesday Sessions

Session PS-TuM
Plasma Diagnostics: Processing

Tuesday, November 4, 2003, 8:20 am, Room 314
Moderator: H. Sugai, Nagoya University, Japan

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am PS-TuM1
Attractive Interactions Between Negatively Charged Dust Particles in a Plasma
G.A. Hebner, M.E. Riley, Sandia National Laboratories
8:40am PS-TuM2
Measurement of Electrical Fields Around Dissimilar Materials Exposed to a Discharge
E.V. Barnat, G.A. Hebner, Sandia National Laboratories
9:00am PS-TuM3 Invited Paper
Plasma Processing Diagnostic Methods and Studies: A Historical Perspective
V.M. Donnelly, University of Houston
9:40am PS-TuM5
Absolute SiCl@sub X@ Densities in Silicon Gate Etching Plasmas Determined by Broad Band UV Absorption
M. Kogelschatz, CNRS/LSP, France, G. Cunge, CNRS/LTM, France, N. Sadeghi, CNRS/LSP, France, O. Joubert, L. Vallier, CNRS/LTM, France
10:20am PS-TuM7
In-situ Processing Memory Effects for Confined vs. Unconfined Plasmas
E.A. Hudson, R. Annapragada, D. Keil, K. Takeshita, Lam Research Corp.
10:40am PS-TuM8
Plasma Diagnostics and Thin Film Characterization in Dielectric Etching: Understanding the Role of Fluorine Chemistry
B. Ji, S.A. Motika, P.R. Badowski, S. Dheandhanoo, E.J. Karwacki, J.R. Stets, Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., C. Timmons, D.W. Hess, Georgia Institute of Technology, E.C. Benck, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Y. Ye, Applied Materials, Inc.
11:00am PS-TuM9
Loss Kinetics of CF@sub x@ Radicals and F Atoms in the Afterglow of Inductively Coupled Pulsed Plasmas
X. Wu, J.L. Cecchi, University of New Mexico
11:20am PS-TuM10
Effect of an Applied-phase of Bias Pulse on a Charge Reduction on a SiO@sub 2@ Hole Exposed to Plasma Etching in a Two-frequency CCP
T. Ohmori, T.K. Goto, T. Makabe, Keio University, Japan
11:40am PS-TuM11
Analysis of Downstream Etch Chemistry in Ion-Ion and Electron-Ion Cl2 Discharges
A.K. Jindal, A.J. Prengler, L.J. Overzet, M.J. Goeckner, University of Texas at Dallas