AVS 50th International Symposium
    Biomaterial Interfaces Wednesday Sessions

Session BI-WeM
Bionanoscale Analysis: Theory to Experiment

Wednesday, November 5, 2003, 8:20 am, Room 317
Moderator: R.A. Latour, Clemson University

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:20am BI-WeM1
Calculation of Free Energy of Peptide-Surface Adsorption Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
V. Raut, S.J. Stuart, R.A. Latour, Clemson University
8:40am BI-WeM2
Molecular Simulation Studies of Protein and DNA Interactions with Surfaces
J. Zheng, J. Zhou, J.P. Sullivan, L. Zhang, S. Jiang, University of Washington
9:00am BI-WeM3 Invited Paper
Macromolecular Dynamics: Insights from Simulation
B.R. Brooks, National Institutes of Health
9:40am BI-WeM5
Molecular Modeling of Adsorption-Induced Exposure of Integrin Binding Sites in Fibrinogen
M.A. Agashe, S.J. Stuart, Clemson University, L. Tang, The University of Texas at Arlington, R.A. Latour, Clemson University
10:00am BI-WeM6
Scaled Interfacial Activity of Proteins at the Liquid-Vapor Interface
A. Krishnan, J. Sturgeon, C.A. Siedlecki, E.A. Vogler, The Pennsylvania State University
10:20am BI-WeM7
Nanodevices Integrating Biomolecular Motors: Design Strategies and Applications
H. Hess, J. Clemmens, University of Washington, C. Matzke, G.D. Bachand, B.C. Bunker, Sandia National Laboratories, V. Vogel, University of Washington
10:40am BI-WeM8
Nanoparticle Transport Using Microtubules and Motor Proteins
B.C. Bunker, G.D. Bachand, A.K. Boal, S.B. Rivera, T.J. Headley, J.M. Gaudioso, J.M. Bauer, R.P. Manginell, Sandia National Laboratories, H. Hess, V. Vogel, University of Washington