AVS 50th International Symposium
    Semiconductors Wednesday Sessions
       Session SC+EM-WeP

Paper SC+EM-WeP4
Effect of Mn Composition on Characterization of Zn@sub 1-x@Mn@sub x@Se Epilayers

Wednesday, November 5, 2003, 11:00 am, Room Hall A-C

Session: Poster Session
Presenter: Y.-D. Choi, Mokwon University, South Korea
Authors: Y.-D. Choi, Mokwon University, South Korea
Y.-M. Yu, Mokwon University, South Korea
D.-J. Kim, Mokwon University, South Korea
K.-J. Lee, Mokwon University, South Korea
Byungsung O, Chungnam National University, South Korea
K.-S. Lee, Chungnam National University, South Korea
I.-H. Choi, Chung-Ang University, South Korea
M.-Y. Yoon, Joongbu University, South Korea
Correspondent: Click to Email

ZnMnSe is one of II-VI diluted magnetic semiconductors, in which the cations of the host crystal are replaced with Mn@super 2+@ ions. Recently, ZnMnSe is used as a material to inject spin inside the quantum structures. The crystal structure of the bulk ZnMnSe is cubic in the range of the Mn composition for x<0.35 and hexagonal for 0.350.05. The absorption and PL spectra at 10 K were compared. In the region of small range x, the band gap energy showed weak bowing effect. It was found that PL peak near the energy band gap was related to the free exciton from the absorption measurements. From Raman measurement at the room temperature, ZnSe-like LO phonon peak was observed, and with the increasing Mn composition x the blue shift of 3.5 cm@super -1@ was observed. The variation of the dielectric constants @epsilon@@sub 1@ and @epsilon@@sub 2@ as a function of Mn composition x by SE was measured. When x is small, it was found that the predominant transition took place in the critical point(CP) of each band structure, and with the increasing x, CP was shifted to low energy side.