AVS 50th International Symposium
    QSA-10 Topical Conference Tuesday Sessions
       Session QS-TuP

Paper QS-TuP1
Test Studies on Charging, Charge Compensation and XPS Binding Energy Referencing for Al-Ox on Al and SiO@sub 2@

Tuesday, November 4, 2003, 5:30 pm, Room Hall A-C

Session: Aspects of Quantitative Surface Analysis
Presenter: M.H. Engelhard, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Authors: M.H. Engelhard, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
D.R. Baer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
D.H. Kim, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
D.J. Gaspar, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Correspondent: Click to Email

The ability to determine absolute binding energy remains a challenging problem for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy analysis of insulating or partially insulating specimens. Many studies have demonstrated a variety of difficulties with most approaches. Because our work involves study of many oxide and insulating materials, we have developed a number of approaches for dealing with charge compensation and charge referencing. To extend our understanding of charging in XPS, we have been examining how specific properties of a specimen influence the different approaches to dealing with surface charging. In this paper we add carbon over-layer thickness to measurements that examined the impact oxide layer thickness. Oxidized Al films and SiO2 samples that have been coated with different amounts of evaporated carbon. We have examined the peak widths and apparent binding energies as a function of charge compensation conditions for a Phi Quantum 2000 and Kratos Axis 165 XPS spectrometers. Results assist understanding of the charging process and indicate methods for charge compensation and referencing.