AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Vacuum Technology Wednesday Sessions

Session VT-WeM
Accelerator and Large Vacuum Systems

Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 8:00 am, Room 230B
Moderators: Yulin Li, Cornell University, Lily Wang, Los Alamos National Laboratory

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am VT-WeM1 Invited Paper
MAXIV Vacuum System: From Design to Operation
Eshraq Al-Dmour, M. Grabski, J. Ahlbäck, P. Fernandes Tavares, C. Pasquino, Max IV Laboratory
8:40am VT-WeM3
Construction Status of the SuperKEKB Vacuum System
Yusuke Suetsugu, K. Kanazawa, K. Shibata, T. Ishibashi, H. Hisamatsu, M. Shirai, S. Terui, KEK-High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
9:00am VT-WeM4
Commissioning of the 3 GeV TPS Accelerator Vacuum System
Gao-Yu Hsiung, Y.C. Yang, H.P. Hsueh, L.H. Wu, C.M. Cheng, C.K. Chan, J.R. Chen, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan, Republic of China
9:20am VT-WeM5
Construction, Installation, and Commissioning of TPS Booster Vacuum System
Hsin-Pai Hsueh, C.M. Cheng, S.N. Hsu, G.Y. Hsiung, J.R. Chen, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan, Republic of China
9:40am VT-WeM6
Design of a 250 KV DC Electron Gun Operating at Cryogenic Temperature
Xianghong Liu, I. Bazarov, B.M. Dunham, V.O. Kostroun, H. Lee, Cornell University
11:00am VT-WeM10
Introduction to Tri Alpha Energy's Fusion Concept, Vacuum Requirements and Performance of Our Current C2U Machine
Alan Van Drie, Tri Alpha Energy
11:20am VT-WeM11
Vacuum Architecture of an Extreme Ultra-Violet Exposure System
Freek Molkenboer, N.B. Koster, A.F. Deutz, D.J. Naron, TNO Technical Sciences, Netherlands