AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Biomaterials Plenary Session Sunday Sessions

Session BP-SuA
Biomaterials Plenary Session

Sunday, October 18, 2015, 3:00 pm, Room 211D
Moderator: Graham Leggett, University of Sheffield

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

3:00pm BP-SuA1 Invited Paper
Phage, Peptides and Polymers: Targeted Polymeric Delivery using Peptide Ligands Identified by Phage Display
L. Chan, M. Cieslewicz, G. Liu, B. Livesay, C. Ngambenjawong, Suzie Pun, S. Salipante, N. White, University of Washington
3:40pm BP-SuA3 Invited Paper
Experimental and Theoretical Challenges regarding the Fundamental Interactions between Biomolecules and Biosurfaces
Jacob Israelachvili, University of California at Santa Barbara
4:20pm BP-SuA5 Invited Paper
Biomimetic Surface Coatings Inspired by Polyphenols Found in Mussels, Tea, Wine and Chocolate
T. Sileika, D. Barrett, Northwestern University, Phillip Messersmith, University of California at Berkeley