AVS 62nd International Symposium & Exhibition
    Applied Surface Science Thursday Sessions

Session AS-ThM
Practical Surface Analysis III: Multiple-technique Problem-solving and Structure-property Correlations

Thursday, October 22, 2015, 8:00 am, Room 212D
Moderators: Michaeleen Pacholski, The Dow Chemical Company, Daniel Gaspar, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am AS-ThM1
Correlation of Substrate Surface Chemistry and Roughness to Adhesion of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Michaeleen Pacholski, T. Powell, D. Keely, W.B. Griffith, The Dow Chemical Company
8:20am AS-ThM2
Surface and Interface Studies of Ultra-Low Wear (ULW) PTFE/Alumina Polymer Composites
Lei Zhang, G.S. Blackman, C.P. Junk, L. Amspacher, K.G. Lloyd, J.R. Marsh, D.J. Kasprzak, DuPont Central Research and Development
8:40am AS-ThM3
Investigation of Increased Glide Force of Prefilled Syringes Using Multiple Analytical Techniques
Xia Dong, Z. Xiao, C.A.J. Kemp, G.H. Shi, Eli Lilly and Company
9:00am AS-ThM4
Degradation of Polypropylene Surgical Mesh: An XPS, FTIR, and SEM Study
Bridget Rogers, Vanderbilt University, R.F. Dunn, Polymer & Chemical Technologies, LLC., S.A. Guelcher, Vanderbilt University
9:20am AS-ThM5 Invited Paper
ASSD 30th Anniversary Lecture: Evolution of the Nature and Application of Surface Analysis: Challenges, Pitfalls, and Opportunities Past, Present and Future
Donald Baer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
11:00am AS-ThM10 Invited Paper
Unraveling the Dynamic Nature of Mixed-Metal Oxides Nanocatalysts: An In Situ Multiple-Technique Approach
Dario Stacchiola, Brookhaven National Laboratory
11:40am AS-ThM12
Correlation between Chemistry, Optical Properties, and Environmental Stability of DC Sputtered Rhenium Oxides
Neil Murphy, Air Force Research Laboratory, L. Sun, General Dynamics Information Technology, J.G. Jones, Air Force Research Laboratory, J.T. Grant, General Dynamics Information Technology
12:00pm AS-ThM13
Multi-Technique Surface Analysis of Geological Samples, Including sub-10 Micron Spectroscopic XPS Imaging
Paul Mack, Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK