AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition
    Thin Film Thursday Sessions
       Session TF+AS+EM+NS+SS-ThM

Metal-Insulator Transition Induced in SrVO3 Thin Films

Thursday, October 31, 2013, 9:20 am, Room 104 A

Session: Thin Film: Growth and Characterization I
Presenter: M. Gu, University of Virginia
Authors: M. Gu, University of Virginia
S.A. Wolf, University of Virginia
J.W. Lu, University of Virginia
Correspondent: Click to Email

Metal-insulator transition (MIT) in strongly correlated oxides has been an intriguing topic of condensed matter physics over many decades. SrVO3 (SVO) with a 3d1 electronic configuration for vanadium is a typical strongly correlated system for studying MIT. High quality epitaxial SVO thin films of various thicknesses were grown on (001)-oriented LSAT single crystal substrates by using a novel pulsed electron-beam deposition (PED) technique. Thick SVO films (~25 nm) exhibited metallic behavior with the electrical resistivity following the T2 law that corresponds to a Fermi liquid system, the resistance ratio R(300K)/R(2K) was ~1.6. We observed a temperature driven MIT in SVO films with thicknesses below 6 nm. The emergence of this MIT can be attributed to the reduction in the effective bandwidth due to a crossover from a three-dimensional metal to a two-dimensional insulator. We also synthesized SrTi1-xVxO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) thin films with thicknesses of ~15 nm to study the chemical doping of Ti4+ ions in the SVO system. The films with high vanadium content (x > 0.7) were metallic following the T2 law, and the films with low vanadium content (x < 0.7) were semiconducting following the variable range hopping mechanism. The x = 0.7 film showed a temperature driven MIT at ~100K. The observed MIT induced by the substitution of Ti4+ ions for V4+ ions could be interpreted by the induced Anderson localization that trapped the electrons below a mobility edge.