AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Thin Film Division Thursday Sessions

Session TF1-ThM
Post-Deposition Processing and Characterization of Thin Films

Thursday, November 3, 2011, 8:00 am, Room 109
Moderator: Christophe Vallée, LTM/CNRS-UJF, France

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am TF1-ThM1
Protrusions, Surface Grains and Extended Single-Crystalline Plates
Alejandro González González, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain, G.M. Alonzo Medina, A.I. Oliva, Centro de Investigaciones y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, CINVESTAV Unidad de Mérida, Mexico, C. Polop, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Spain, E. Rodríguez Cañas, J.L. Sacedón, E. Vasco, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain
8:20am TF1-ThM2
Characterization of Mg Acceptors in GaN:Mg Grown by Metal Modulated Epitaxy and MOCVD
Jonathan Lowder, M.W. Moseley, B. Gunning, W.A. Doolittle, Georgia Institute of Technology, M.E. Zvanut, J. Dashdorj, University of Alabama
8:40am TF1-ThM3 Invited Paper
Post Deposition Annealing Effects on Thin Film Material, Process, and Device Properties
Yue Kuo, Texas A&M University
9:20am TF1-ThM5
Semiconductor Thin Film Metrology using Coherent Acoustic Phonon Spectroscopy
Andrew Steigerwald, K. Varga, A.B. Hmelo, Vanderbilt University, L. Feldman, Rutgers University, N.H. Tolk, Vanderbilt University
9:40am TF1-ThM6
On the Phase Formation of Reactively Sputtered ZrO2 Thin Films
Rony Snyders, G. Geumez, S. Konstantinidis, UMons, Belgium
10:40am TF1-ThM9
Effect of 10 keV X-rays on Silicon Oxidation
Shweta Bhandaru, S.M. Weiss, E.X. Zhang, D.M. Fleetwood, R.A. Reed, R.A. Weller, B.R. Rogers, R.R. Harl, Vanderbilt University
11:00am TF1-ThM10
Investigating the Local Physical Structure of Amorphous Hydrogenated Boron Carbide
Michelle Paquette, W. Li, M.S. Driver, S. Karki, N.A. Oyler, A.N. Caruso, University of Missouri - Kansas City
11:20am TF1-ThM11
Characterization of Amorphous and Nanocomposite Nb-Si-C Thin Films Deposited by dc-Magnetron Sputtering
Nils Nedfors, Uppsala University, Sweden, O. Tengstrand, Linköping University, Sweden, A. Flink, Impact Coatings AB, Sweden, A.M. Andersson, ABB AB, Corporate Research, Sweden, P. Eklund, L. Hultman, Linköping University, Sweden, U. Jansson, Uppsala University, Sweden
11:40am TF1-ThM12
Evaluation of Mn-based Cu Barriers for Interconnect Applications
Els Van Besien, N. Jourdan, IMEC, Belgium, L. Zhao, Intel assignee at IMEC, Belgium, K. Croes, Y.K. Siew, S. Van Elshocht, Zs. Tőkei, IMEC, Belgium