AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Surface Science Division Thursday Sessions

Session SS-ThA
Semiconducting & Ferroelectric Surface

Thursday, November 3, 2011, 2:00 pm, Room 107
Moderator: Joanna Millunchik, University of Michigan

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm SS-ThA1 Invited Paper
Polarization Dependence of the Surface and Interfacial Chemistry of Ferroelectric Oxides
Eric I. Altman, Yale University
2:40pm SS-ThA3
Surface Reconstructions of BaTiO3(001): STM Study
Erie Morales, D.A. Bonnell, University of Pennsylvania
3:00pm SS-ThA4
Polarization Dependent Interactions at Ferroelectric Surfaces
J. Garra, M. Zhao, John Vohs, E.H. Morales, D.A. Bonnell, University of Pennsylvania
3:40pm SS-ThA6 Invited Paper
An Atomic View of ALD of Dielectrics on Semiconductors Using STM
Andrew Kummel, W. Melitz, J.B. Clemens, J.S. Lee, T. Kaufman-Osborn, T. Kent, E.A. Chagarov, J. Shen, University of California, San Diego, R. Droopad, Texas State University-San Marcos
4:20pm SS-ThA8
Electrostatic Coupling of Surface Charge to Bulk Defect Behavior in Metal Oxides
Prashun Gorai, K. Pangan-Okimoto, A. Hollister, E.G. Seebauer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
4:40pm SS-ThA9
Surface Photovoltage Behavior of n-type GaN as a Function of Orientation
Michael Foussekis, A.A. Baski, M.A. Reshchikov, Virginia Commonwealth University
5:00pm SS-ThA10
The Surface States of Lithium Tetraborate
L. Wang, W.-N. Mei, University of Nebraska at Omaha, D. Wooten, J. McClory, J. Petrosky, Air Force Institute of Technology, V. Adamiv, Ya. Burak, Institute of Physical Optics, Ukraine, I. Ketsman, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Ya. Losovyj, The J. Bennett Johnston Sr. Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Peter A. Dowben, University of Nebraska - Lincoln