AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Surface Science Division Thursday Sessions
       Session SS-ThA

Paper SS-ThA10
The Surface States of Lithium Tetraborate

Thursday, November 3, 2011, 5:00 pm, Room 107

Session: Semiconducting & Ferroelectric Surface
Presenter: Peter A. Dowben, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Authors: L. Wang, University of Nebraska at Omaha
W.-N. Mei, University of Nebraska at Omaha
D. Wooten, Air Force Institute of Technology
J. McClory, Air Force Institute of Technology
J. Petrosky, Air Force Institute of Technology
V. Adamiv, Institute of Physical Optics, Ukraine
Ya. Burak, Institute of Physical Optics, Ukraine
I. Ketsman, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Ya. Losovyj, The J. Bennett Johnston Sr. Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices
P.A. Dowben, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Correspondent: Click to Email

The different low index surface terminations of lithium tetraborate, Li2B4O7, are dominated by electronic states that fall within the projected band gap of the bulk states. As a pyroelectric material, Li2B4O7 is a wide band gap dielectric, yet the (110) surface has a much smaller band gap because of occupied surface states that fall at binding energies between the valence band maximum and the Fermi level. The (100) surface is dominated, however, by unoccupied surface states that also fall in the gap between the conduction band minimum and valence band maximum, but at binding energies just below the conduction band minimum. These states have been identified in photoemission studies of Li2B4O7(110) and inverse photoemission studies of Li2B4O7(100) [1]. There is good qualitative agreement between these experiments and the electronic band structure calculations showing that the different surface terminations of lithium tetraborate yield very different surface electronic states.

[1] D. Wooten, I. Ketsman, J. Xiao, Ya.B. Losovyj, J. Petrosky, J. McClory, Ya. V. Burak, V.T. Adamiv, J.M. Brown and P.A. Dowben, European Physical Journal: Applied Physics 52 (2010) 31601