AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Applied Surface Science Division Monday Sessions

Session AS-MoA
Quantitative Surface Chemical Analysis and Technique Development - Part II

Monday, October 31, 2011, 2:00 pm, Room 102
Moderator: Matthew Wagner, The Procter & Gamble Company

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm AS-MoA1 Invited Paper
Surface-based Model Systems of Biomolecular Hydrogels - From Supramolecular Organization and Dynamics to Biological Function
N.S. Baranova, S. Attili, CIC biomaGUNE, Spain, Ralf Richter, CIC biomaGUNE & MPI for Intelligent Systems, Spain
2:40pm AS-MoA3
Soft Cluster-Induced Desorption and Ionization of Biomolecules – Influence of Surface Load and Sample Morphology on Desorption Efficiency
M. Baur, B.-J. Lee, HS Esslingen, Germany, C.R. Gebhardt, Bruker Daltonik, Germany, H. Schroder, K.-L. Kompa, MPI for Quantum Optics, Germany, Michael Durr, HS Esslingen, Germany
3:00pm AS-MoA4
Sensitive Elemental Analysis of Materials via Femtosecond Ablation Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
Jerry Moore, MassThink, S. Milasinovic, Y. Cui, J.S. Penzak, Y. Liu, R.J. Gordon, L. Hanley, University of Illinois at Chicago
3:40pm AS-MoA6
Interlaboratory Study on Consistency and Reproducibility of Sputter Rate Measurements
Mark Engelhard, D.R. Baer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
4:00pm AS-MoA7
Post-Acquisition Mass Resolution Improvement in Time-Of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS)
Steven Pachuta, P.R. Vlasak, 3M Company
4:20pm AS-MoA8
ToF-SIMS Analysis of Iron Oxide Particle Oxidation by Isotopic and Multivariate Analysis
James Ohlhausen, E. Coker, A. Ambrosini, J. Miller, Sandia National Laboratories
4:40pm AS-MoA9
Informatics for SIMS: Identifying Molecules in Complex Mass Spectra
Ian Gilmore, F.M. Green, M.P. Seah, J.L.S. Lee, National Physical Laboratory, UK
5:00pm AS-MoA10
keV Ion Impact Effect on the IonCCDTM Surface and Mass Spectra Peak Shape in Non-Scanning Sector-Field Instrument
Omar Hadjar, G. Kibelka, S. Kassan, C. Cameron, K. Kuhn, OI Analytical
5:20pm AS-MoA11
First use of ToF-SIMS for Screening Assays: Enzymes Active on Wood
Robyn Goacher, E.A. Edwards, C.A. Mims, E.R. Master, University of Toronto, Canada