AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Actinides and Rare Earths Focus Topic Thursday Sessions

Session AC+SS-ThM
The Surface Science of Actinides and Rare Earths

Thursday, November 3, 2011, 8:00 am, Room 207
Moderator: Roland Schulze, Los Alamos National Laboratory

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

8:00am AC+SS-ThM1 Invited Paper
The XPS of Heavy Metal Oxides: New Insights Into Chemistry
Paul Bagus, University of North Texas, E.S. Ilton, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, C.J. Nelin, Consultant
8:40am AC+SS-ThM3 Invited Paper
New Insights into the Oxidation/Corrosion of Plutonium
David Pugmire, H.G. Garcia Flores, D.P. Moore, A.L. Broach, Los Alamos National Laboratory, P. Roussel, Atomic Weapons Establishment, UK
9:20am AC+SS-ThM5
The Oxidation of Uranium Dioxide at High Pressures in Pure Oxygen
Jonathan Crowhurst, Z. Dai, J.M. Zaug, K.B. Knight, A.J. Nelson, W.J. Siekhaus, I.D. Hutcheon, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
9:40am AC+SS-ThM6
Radiation Effects on Hydrogen Reactivity in Narrow Uranium-Uranium and Uranium-LiD (or Air) Gaps using MCNPX Code
M.A. Schildbach, Wigbert Siekhaus, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
10:40am AC+SS-ThM9
Study of the Gd5Ge4 (010) Surface
Chad Yuen, G. Miller, P.A. Thiel, Ames Laboratory - US DOE
11:00am AC+SS-ThM10
Using Spatially Controlled Thin-Films Coatings Around Rare-Earth doped Nanophosphors for High Efficiency Energy Applications
James Dorman, A. Joshi, G. Kuzmanich, J.H. Choi, J.P. Chang, University of California Los Angeles
11:20am AC+SS-ThM11
Growth and Characterization of Scandia Stabilized Zirconia and Samaria Doped Ceria Multi-Layer Thin Films
S. Thevuthasan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Manjula Nandasiri, Western Michigan University, T. Varga, V. Shutthanandan, S.P. Sanghavi, S.V.N.T. Kuchibhatla, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, A. Kayani, Western Michigan University