AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Plasma Science and Technology Division Thursday Sessions
       Session PS-ThA

Paper PS-ThA6
Controlled Electron Beam Excitation Method to Study Process Chemistries

Thursday, November 3, 2011, 3:40 pm, Room 201

Session: Plasma Diagnostics, Sensors and Control II
Presenter: P.L. Stephan Thamban, University of Texas at Dallas
Authors: P.L.S. Thamban, University of Texas at Dallas
G. Padron-Wells, University of Texas at Dallas
J. Hosch, Verity Instruments Incorporated
M.J. Goeckner, University of Texas at Dallas
Correspondent: Click to Email

We describe a method to conduct optical emission spectroscopy (OES) measurements, electron beam excitation, that can be adopted to study and quantify process chemistry species. Our method and experiment, designed to be incorporated as a diagnostic system in process tools, relies on extracting electron beam from an inductively coupled plasma. First we will present and discuss results that show electron energy dependent cross section measurements in gas mixtures specifically Fluorocarbon process chemistries. Energy dependent optical excitation cross sections of Fluorine, Oxygen and ionic species as measured with this method will be presented. The controllable excitation method and its applications to quantitative measurements of species in process chamber/exhaust will then be presented. Comparative measurements of species densities as measured with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and e-beam excitation will be presented. This project is funded by NSF-Grant (CBET-0922962) and Verity Instruments.