AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Nanomanufacturing Science and Technology Focus Topic Wednesday Sessions
       Session NM+AS+MS-WeM

Paper NM+AS+MS-WeM6
Sampling for Airborne Nanoparticles and Selecting Respiratory Protection

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 9:40 am, Room 111

Session: Nanomanufacturing Issues: Metrology and Environmental Concerns
Presenter: Steve Hays, Gobbell Hays Partners, Inc.
Authors: S.M. Hays, Gobbell Hays Partners, Inc.
J.R. Millette, MVA Scientific Consultants
Correspondent: Click to Email

As the manufacture and use of nanomaterials continue to increase, appropriate questions are raised about the release of airborne nanoparticles into the general environment and specifically into the breathing zone of people. The development of monitoring procedures specific to carbon nanotubes and other nanoparticles is crucial in determining the effectiveness of engineering controls and personal protection. This presentation will review experiments conducted to determine the efficacy of using asbestos air sampling methodology for sample collection with standard membrane filter cassettes and analysis using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Tests done to evaluate the use of cartridge style respirator filters in carbon nanotube aerosols will also be presented. These laboratory tests will be discussed in relation to air samples collected in a variety of actual field use situations. Proposed methodology for the analysis for nanotubes in settled dust will be presented. Finally, one author is chairing an ASTM committee that is developing a consensus method to collect and analyze airborne nanotubes. The current state of that committee’s work will be summarized.