AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    In Situ Spectroscopy and Microscopy Focus Topic Monday Sessions
       Session IS+AS+SS-MoA

Paper IS+AS+SS-MoA6
An Auger Electron Analyzer System for In Situ MBE Growth Monitoring

Monday, October 31, 2011, 3:40 pm, Room 106

Session: In Situ Characterization of Solids: Film Growth, Defects, and Interfaces
Presenter: William Calley, Georgia Institute of Technology
Authors: W.L. Calley, Georgia Institute of Technology
P.G. Staib, Staib Instruments
J.E. Lowder, Georgia Institute of Technology
J.D. Greenlee, Georgia Institute of Technology
M.W. Moseley, Georgia Institute of Technology
W.E. Henderson, Georgia Institute of Technology
W.A. Doolittle, Georgia Institute of Technology
Correspondent: Click to Email

Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) analysis is a surface sensitive technique for thin film analysis, able to detect nearly all elements [1]. Not only can AES help determine the species present at the surface, but AES can also yield information about the chemical bonding [1]. However, this analysis tool has historically been an ex situ technique with a few noted exceptions [2]. Herein we demonstrate the capabilities and usefulness of an Auger probe, the Staib In situ Auger Probe (SIAP) that has a sufficient working distance (tested up 82 mm) so as to not shadow beam fluxes allowing use during growth. The probe leverages an existing RHEED gun as an e-beam source for Auger electron excitation.

The configuration and operation of the SIAP has been described in detail [3]. The tool is installed on an MBE system configured for Terfenol growth, a miscible alloy of TbFe2 and DyFe2. Initial growths performed without Auger monitoring exhibited substantial oxidation even after Ar etched to remove surface contamination, figure 1. The SIAP was then employed to determine the sources of oxygen contamination.

Three sources of O were identified. The growth chamber had a high enough partial pressure of oxygen to oxidize the highly reactive rare earth elements. After 30 hours in the chamber, uncapped Tb showed a substantial increase in the ratio of O to Tb, figure 2. The Tb source material also delivered O and the rate of O delivery increased with cell temperature, figure 3. A final oxygen source was identified to be the Tb/SiO2 interface as shown in the SIMS data in figure 4. Figure 5 shows the Si wafer with C and O present at the surface. After growth is initiated the C is not detected after 40 Å of deposition, however, the O can be detected until 200 Å are deposited, indicating intermixing with the SiO2 interface.

Further tests were conducted starting with a layer of Dy and depositing part of a monolayer of Tb in 2% increments. Figure 6 shows a clear distinction between bare Dy and 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10% monolayer coverage of Tb on a Dy layer, demonstrating the SIAP’s sensitivity is at least 2% of a monolayer for these heavy elements.

The SIAP is complementary to existing RHEED systems. While RHEED gives information about the crystal structure of the growing film, the SIAP provides chemical information. This is especially useful when working with films without line compositions. The SIAP coupled with a future closed loop control system may enhance growth of films with multiple oxidation states or other similar phase/chemical transitions. Finally this technique could give information about transitions between layers in multilayered films grown via MBE.