AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    In Situ Spectroscopy and Microscopy Focus Topic Monday Sessions
       Session IS+AS+SS-MoA

Paper IS+AS+SS-MoA10
In Situ Surface Analytical Characterization of Electronic Devices: Thin Film Solar Cells and Lithium Ion Batteries as Examples

Monday, October 31, 2011, 5:00 pm, Room 106

Session: In Situ Characterization of Solids: Film Growth, Defects, and Interfaces
Presenter: Andreas Thissen, SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH, Germany
Correspondent: Click to Email

Electronic devices have revolutionized everyday life in industrial countries over the last decades. Especially devices for energy conversion and storage like thin film solar cells and lithium ion batteries are of importance for the future. Recently two main tasks for research and development are dominant: miniaturization for sophisticated applications targetting at the nanoscale, and designing low cost large scale devices. In both fields the device performance is strongly determined by materials quality, composition, combination and last but not least by processes at materials interfaces. Nanostructures, minimization of material consumption and the need to improve device efficiencies consequently leads to the widespread focussing on thin film preparation. For thin film devices surface and interface analysis like photoelectron spectroscopy and surface (spectro-)microscopies are an important tools for material and device characterization. Classical well defined model experiments already reveal important insights using highly integrated vacuum systems for analysis and preparation. But analysis of materials and devices under near ambient conditions and even in situ during operation is an inevitable future development to improve the significance of data for development and quality management. In this respect the application of techniques like Near Ambient Pressure XPS, XPS from liquids and solid liquid interfaces, hard x-ray PES (HAXPS), Near Ambient Pressure SPM on solar cell and lithium ion battery materials is the challenging tasks for manufacturing companies of surface analytical equipment.