AVS 58th Annual International Symposium and Exhibition
    Helium Ion Microscopy Focus Topic Wednesday Sessions
       Session HI+AS+BI+NS-WeM

Invited Paper HI+AS+BI+NS-WeM9
Nanofabrication and Biological Imaging with the Helium Ion Microscope

Wednesday, November 2, 2011, 10:40 am, Room 106

Session: Nano- and Bio- Imaging with Helium Ion Microscopy
Presenter: Daniel Pickard, National University of Singapore
Correspondent: Click to Email

The Helium Ion Microscope (HIM) is a new imaging technology based on a high brightness and stable Gas Field Ion Source (GFIS). The GFIS employed exhibits a low energy spread (<1 eV), small virtual source size (< 0.3 nm) and a high brightness > 4 x 109 A/cm2.sr [1]. This, in conjunction with the shallow escape depth (<1 nm) of the secondary electrons generated by the incident 30 keV helium ions, contribute to the HIM’s primary advantage in the imaging of solid samples: its high spatial resolution (0.25 nm) [2]. We have applied this novel technology across a broad spectrum of multidisciplinary applications (from basic materials science and semiconductor applications to the biological sciences) to assess its utility and possible advantages over alternative techniques.

One area where our investigations have gained significant traction is in the imaging of biological specimens. The utility of this instrument in addressing topics of the biological sciences is due in part to the HIM’s high spatial resolution. However, in the context of biological specimens, it is the ability to image non-conductive samples without the application of a metal (or other conductive) overcoat and without the need of a background gas (both of which degrade resolution and surface details), which has proven to be a distinguishing attribute. This opens up a whole new range of biological problems that can be solved rapidly and with less risk of artifacts.

An equally compelling application is in the field of nano-structuring. The focused helium ions have the ability to directly modify the sample surface under a high ion flux (via surface sputtering). This enables the direct patterning of structures and promises great utility in the fabrication of sub-10 nm devices. It also provides a mechanism for high resolution patterning on nonconventional substrates (such as suspended graphene membranes), where resist-based lithographic techniques are not feasible. Our experiences in sub-10 nm pattern transfer for both graphene and plasmonics applications will be presented.

1. B. Ward, J. Notte, and N. Economou, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 24, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2006

2. Application Note, Carl Zeiss SMT, “Ultra-High Resolution Imaging in ORION®PLUS”, PI No. 0220-2008-ENG, Nov. 21, 2008