AVS 57th International Symposium & Exhibition | |
Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures | Tuesday Sessions |
Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.
2:00pm | MI+EM-TuA1 Invited Paper All-Electric Spintronics with Quantum Point Contacts: From Spin Physics to Spin Electronics P. Debray, University of Cincinnati |
2:40pm | MI+EM-TuA3 Incorporation of Mn Atoms into N-polar Wurtzite GaN(000-1) Surface Studied using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy A.V. Chinchore, K. Wang, M. Shih, A.R. Smith, Ohio University Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute |
3:00pm | MI+EM-TuA4 Formation of Ferromagnetic MnGa Monolayers on GaN(0001) Studied by STM K. Wang, A.V. Chinchore, M. Shi, A.R. Smith, Ohio University Nanoscale and Quantum Phenomena Institute |
4:40pm | MI+EM-TuA9 Chemical Switching of Coupled Molecular Spins: On and Off C. Waeckerlin, D. Chylarecka, A. Kleibert, K. Mueller, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, C. Iacovita, University of Basel, Switzerland, F. Nolting, T.A. Jung, N. Ballav, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland |
5:00pm | MI+EM-TuA10 The Spin-Resolved Electronic Structure of the Strongly Correlated MII[TCNE]●− Magnets S.J. Janjua, University of Missouri-Kansas City, K.I. Pokhodnya, North Dakota State University, J. Trunk, Brookhaven National Laboratory, C.S. Olson, North Dakota State University, J.C. Sutherland, E. Vescovo, Brookhaven National Laboratory, A.N. Caruso, University of Missouri-Kansas City |