The controlled creation, manipulation, and detection of spin-polarized currents by purely electrical means remains a central challenge and objective of spintronics. One approach to meet this challenge has been to rely on coupling of the electron orbital motion to its spin. Attempts have been made to use the Rashba spin-orbit coupling as a tool to achieve this objective. Despite intense effort there has so far been no report of any success. In this talk, I will present experimental evidence that a quantum point contact made from a semiconductor with intrinsic spin-orbit coupling can generate completely spin-polarized current when its lateral confinement is made highly asymmetric by tuning the bias voltages of the side gates that create it. Such quantum point contacts can be used as all-electric spin polarizer or detector. I will discuss how they can replace the ferromagnetic electrodes of conventional spin valves to yield all-electric spin valves with very high On/Off values. By avoiding the use of ferromagnetic contacts or external magnetic fields, the use of such quantum point contacts will make feasible the development of a variety of semiconductor spintronic devices.