AVS 55th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Applied Surface Science Tuesday Sessions
       Session AS-TuA

Invited Paper AS-TuA1
Practical Surface Analysis : Beyond Acquisition - The Human Factors

Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 1:40 pm, Room 207

Session: Practical Surface Analysis
Presenter: I.W. Fletcher, Intertek MSG, UK
Authors: I.W. Fletcher, Intertek MSG, UK
S.F. Davies, Intertek MSG, UK
Correspondent: Click to Email

The development of modern surface analysis equipment over the past few years has changed the lot of the typical surface analyst. Indeed, acquisition of ‘world-beating’ data is now almost routine for many. Better quality data equates to more reliable and often novel information from analytical work to the benefit of all concerned. Also the ‘turnkey’ reliability of the modern equipment compared to ‘the good old days’ means that more time is now available to analysts to concentrate their skills and efforts into research and development, problem solving and customer service issues rather than to fault finding and instrument set-up and tuning. One factor that has remained relatively constant amidst such instrumental development, however, is the human element. Whilst surface analysts and their customers may share a common ancestry they do not always appear to share the same understanding at times. Communication is generally an issue with human nature adding extra dimensions of complication. Bringing money into the equation is also certain not to help matters either. As analysts and service providers, we need to constantly endeavour to ensure that the correct messages get received and understood. This presentation will outline several practical examples using SSIMS and XPS applied to typical 'industrial' samples and problems where the human condition has had an impact.