AVS 54th International Symposium
    Surface Science Tuesday Sessions

Session SS1-TuA
Bimetallics and Alloys

Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 1:40 pm, Room 608
Moderator: I. Chorkendorff, Technical University of Denmark

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

1:40pm SS1-TuA1
Atomic-Scale Assembly of a Heterogeneous Catalytic Site
P. Han, Texas A&M University, I. Lyubinetsky, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, D.W. Goodman, Texas A&M University
2:00pm SS1-TuA2
Mechanistic Studies of the Steam Reforming of Methanol on PdZn Alloy Catalysts
E. Jeroro, J.M. Vohs, University of Pennsylvania
2:20pm SS1-TuA3
Revisiting the CO oxidation on a Au/Ni(111) Surface Alloy
J. Knudsen, L.R. Merte, R.T. Vang, University of Aarhus, Denmark, A. Resta, J. Schnadt, J.N. Andersen, Lund University, Sweden, F. Besenbacher, University of Aarhus, Denmark
2:40pm SS1-TuA4 Invited Paper
General Trends in the Electronic and Chemical Properties of Monolayer Bimetallic Surfaces
J.G. Chen, University of Delaware
4:00pm SS1-TuA8
Real-time STM Observations of the Oxidation of a Ti/Pt(111)-(2x2) Surface Alloy using O2 and NO2
S. Hsieh, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, G. Liu, B.E. Koel, Lehigh University
4:20pm SS1-TuA9
CO Tolerance of Pt Islets on Ru(1000) and their Implications for PtRu Nanocatalysts: Insights from First Principles Calculations
T. Rahman, S. Stolbov, M. Alcantara-Ortigoza, University of Central Florida
4:40pm SS1-TuA10
Effect of Quantum Well States on Adsorption of CO Molecules
W. Kim, S. Han, D. Lee, C. Hwang, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, C. Min, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, H. Lee, H. Kim, Pohang Accelarator Laboratory, Republic of Korea
5:00pm SS1-TuA11
Modifying the Adsorption of Molecules at Metal Surfaces by Quantum Confinement of Electrons
L. Tskipuri, R.A. Bartynski, Rutgers University