AVS 54th International Symposium
    Surface Science Tuesday Sessions
       Session SS1-TuA

Paper SS1-TuA8
Real-time STM Observations of the Oxidation of a Ti/Pt(111)-(2x2) Surface Alloy using O2 and NO2

Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 4:00 pm, Room 608

Session: Bimetallics and Alloys
Presenter: B.E. Koel, Lehigh University
Authors: S. Hsieh, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
G. Liu, Lehigh University
B.E. Koel, Lehigh University
Correspondent: Click to Email

We have used scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), low energy diffraction (LEED), and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) to study the nascent oxidation of an ordered Ti/Pt(111)-(2x2) surface alloy exposed to oxygen (O2) or nitrogen dioxide (NO2) under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. The Ti/Pt(111)-(2x2) surface alloy was formed by depositing an ultrathin Ti film on Pt(111) and annealing to 1050 K. This produces an alloy film in which the surface layer is pure Pt and the second layer contains Ti atoms in a (2x2) structure that causes the pattern observed by STM and LEED. Real-time imaging of the surface at 300 K was carried out by continuously scanning with the STM while either O2 or NO2 was introduced into the chamber. O2 exposures did not cause any gross structural changes, however oxygen was detected on the surface afterwards using AES. Annealing this surface to 950 K resulted in the formation of an ordered TiOx overlayer as characterized by both LEED and STM. In contrast, NO2 exposures caused definite changes in the surface morphology at 300 K, and the RMS roughness increased from 3.5 to 7.1 Å after a 93-L NO2 exposure. No ordered structures were produced by this exposure, but annealing the surface to 950 K formed an ordered pattern in LEED and corresponding clear, well-resolved structures in STM images. Disruption or reconstruction of the Ti/Pt(111)-(2x2) surface alloy because of Ti oxidation is an activated process. The energetic barrier to TiOx formation can not be surmounted at room temperature at low oxygen coverages and annealing the surface was necessary to initiate this reaction. However, the higher oxygen coverages obtained using the more reactive oxidant NO2 lowered the chemical potential in the system sufficiently to overcome the activation barrier to extract Ti from the alloy and form a disordered TiOx film at room temperature. These results illustrate the importance of the surface oxygen coverage in nucleating the room temperature oxidation of the Ti/Pt(111)-(2x2) surface alloy.