AVS 54th International Symposium
    MEMS and NEMS Monday Sessions

Session MN-MoA
Materials Processing, Characterization and Fab Aspects

Monday, October 15, 2007, 2:00 pm, Room 615
Moderator: B. Ilic, Cornell University

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Click a paper to see the details. Presenters are shown in bold type.

2:00pm MN-MoA1 Invited Paper
Electromechanical Resonators from Graphene Sheets
P.L. McEuen, Cornell University
2:40pm MN-MoA3
Determination of the Density, Viscosity and Activation Energy of Small Liquid Volumes using Microcantilevers
G. Hähner, N. McLoughlin, S.L. Lee, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK
3:00pm MN-MoA4
A Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer for Noncontact Nondestructive Evaluation
X. Wang, Y. Fan, W.-C. Tian, H. Kwon, S. Kennerly, G. Claydon, A. May, General Electric Co.
3:40pm MN-MoA6
Design, Synthesis, and Fabrication of a Biomolecular Nanovalve
H. Li, L.E. Ocola, O. Auciello, M.A. Firestone, Argonne National Laboratory
4:00pm MN-MoA7
XeF2 Etching of Si and SiO2 for MEMS Manufacturing
J.-F. Veyan, Y.J. Chabal, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, M.Y. Yan, E. Gusev, A.L. Londergan, Qualcomm
4:20pm MN-MoA8 Invited Paper
Advances in Magnetometry through Miniaturization
A.S. Edelstein, J. Burnette, G.A. Fischer, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, S.F. Cheng, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, E.R. Nowak, University of Delaware
5:00pm MN-MoA10
Fabrication of Stationary Micro-Optical Shutter Based on Semiconductor-To-Metallic Phase Transition of W-doped VO2 Active Layer Driven by an External Voltage
M. Soltani, M. Chaker, INRS-Energie, Matériaux et Télécommunications, Canada, E. Haddad, R. Kruzelecky, MPB Communications Inc., J. Margot, Université de Montréal, Canada, P. Laou, S. Paradis, Defence R and D Canada-Valcartier