AVS 66th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Materials and Processes for Quantum Information, Computing and Science Focus Topic Monday Sessions
       Session QS+EM+MN+NS+VT-MoA

Invited Paper QS+EM+MN+NS+VT-MoA3
Efficient Quantum Computation using Problem-specific Quantum Hardware and Algorithms

Monday, October 21, 2019, 2:20 pm, Room B231-232

Session: Systems and Devices for Quantum Computing
Presenter: Stefan Filipp, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland
Correspondent: Click to Email

In recent years we have observed a rapid development of quantum technologies for the realization of quantum computers that promise to outperform conventional computers in certain types of problems. This includes problems in optimization, machine learning, finite element calculations, and in the computation of complex molecules. A key requirement to perform computations on current and near-term quantum processors is the design of quantum algorithms with short circuit depth that finish within the coherence time of the qubits. To this end, it is essential to implement a set of quantum gates that are tailored to the problem at hand and that can be directly implemented in hardware. To efficiently compute the ground and excited states of molecular hydrogen we utilize a parametrically driven tunable coupler to realize exchange-type gates that are configurable in amplitude and phase on two fixed-frequency superconducting qubits. Such gates are particularly well suited for quantum chemistry applications because they preserve the number of qubit excitations corresponding to the fixed number of electrons in the molecule. With gate fidelities around 95% we compute the eigenstates within an accuracy of 50 mHartree on average, an good starting point for the simulation of larger molecular systems.