AVS 66th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Materials and Processes for Quantum Information, Computing and Science Focus Topic Monday Sessions
       Session QS+EM+MN+NS+VT-MoA

DEMUXYZ Gate Using Single Microwave Drive Line for Multiple Qubits

Monday, October 21, 2019, 1:40 pm, Room B231-232

Session: Systems and Devices for Quantum Computing
Presenter: Matteo Mariantoni, University of Waterloo, Canada
Authors: M. Mariantoni, University of Waterloo, Canada
C.T. Earnest, University atof Waterloo, Canada
J.H. Béjanin, Unversity of Waterloo, Canada
Correspondent: Click to Email

Superconducting qubits have the potential to lead to large-scale quantum computers with 105 or more qubits in 2D arrays. As the number of qubits increases, finding methods to connect all the necessary control lines to each qubit can become a serious challenge. In this talk, we introduce a new demultiplexed one-qubit gate: DEMUXYZ. This gate makes it possible to decrease the number of microwave control lines from N2 to 1 by allowing multiple qubits to share a single microwave line. The shared line carries a continuous wave (CW) microwave tone, which is initially detuned from the qubits' idle frequency. When a qubit must undergo an arbitrary rotation on the Bloch sphere, the qubit is tuned on resonance with the CW tone and allowed to interact with the drive for the duration required to achieve the desired rotation. The rotation phase is tuned by detuning the qubit frequency away from the drive and idle frequency for the required time length. We demonstrate a first proof of concept for this gate performing experiments on Xmon transmon qubits. We characterize the gate ON/OFF ratio and perform quantum state tomography.

Funding Acknowledgement: This research was undertaken thanks in part to funding from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) and the Discovery and Research Tools and Instruments Grant Programs of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).