AVS 66th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Materials and Processes for Quantum Information, Computing and Science Focus Topic Wednesday Sessions
       Session QS+2D+EM+MN+NS+VT-WeM

Paper QS+2D+EM+MN+NS+VT-WeM1
Quantum Information at the Molecular Foundry - An Overview of New Toolsets for QIS Research

Wednesday, October 23, 2019, 8:00 am, Room B231-232

Session: Material Systems and Applications for Quantum Sciences
Presenter: Adam Schwartzberg, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Authors: A. Schwartzberg, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
S. Cabrini, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
D.F. Ogletree, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
A. Weber-Bargioni, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Correspondent: Click to Email

The fundamental unit of quantum computation and sensing is the qubit, and many physical systems have been investigated for practical realization. These include superconducting Josephson junction circuits, color centers, and isolated cold atoms or ions. Superconducting qubit circuits (SCQBs) being one of the most promising avenues to quantum computation. However, there are limitations to their practical application due to noise sources which shorten their functional lifetime.

In this talk I will introduce a suite of integrated, high-fidelity fabrication instrumentation that will allow new communities of users to investigate the fundamental limits of state-of-the-art quantum systems at the Molecular Foundry. We will enable users to understand existing systems and design new ones by creating a quantum fabrication toolset for directed growth of conventional and novel materials, advanced lithography and pattern transfer paired with in- and ex-situ surface characterization.

Three key QIS fabrication capabilities at the Molecular Foundry:

  1. A robotic fabrication cluster system with materials deposition, including atomic layer and physical vapor depositions, plasma etching, and analytical characterization instrumentation, all automated by and contained within a vacuum sample handling robot.

  2. A high resolution electron beam writing system will allow quantum device patterning with complete flexibility in feature shape, density and size, enabling nanoscale feature control.

  3. A low temperature transport measurement system will allow for the investigation of novel materials for superconductors and dielectrics and “close the loop” between design and fabrication, proxy measurements such as interface characterization, and actual performance of quantum computation and sensing elements.

This instrumentation suite will enable the elucidation of chemical composition, structure, location, and size of microscopic noise sources in a superconducting quantum system, understanding the fabrication steps that introduced such noise sources, and developing fabrication approaches that minimize their presence.

I will also discuss ongoing and new research directions at the Molecular Foundry through internal staff and external user research.