AVS 66th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Manufacturing Science and Technology Group Thursday Sessions
       Session MS+EM+QS-ThM

Invited Paper MS+EM+QS-ThM10
Quantum Information Science at AFRL

Thursday, October 24, 2019, 11:00 am, Room A226

Session: Science and Technology for Manufacturing: Neuromorphic and Quantum Computing (ALL INVITED SESSION)
Presenter: Michael Hayduk, Air Force Research Laboratory
Correspondent: Click to Email

Recent advances in Quantum Information Science (QIS) indicate that future applications of quantum mechanics will lead to disruptive advances in capabilities for the US Air Force. Controlling and exploiting quantum mechanical phenomena will enable inertial sensors and atomic clocks that provide GPS-like positioning and timing accuracy for extended periods of time in degraded environments, communications networks with information security based on physics principles, unprecedented sensor resolution, and computers that may be able to provide exponential speedup in processing speed. To ensure that the future Air Force warfighter maintains a technological advantage, the AF must implement a QIS strategy that leads to robust, deployable quantum systems. This invited talk will discuss the recently developed Air Force Research Laboratory QIS strategy that covers the areas of timing, sensing, communications and networking, and computing. Capability development across these four areas will also be discussed.