AVS 66th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Division Thursday Sessions
       Session MI-ThP

Paper MI-ThP3
Investigating a Possible Kondo Resonance for Iron-induced Islands on Chromium Nitride (001)

Thursday, October 24, 2019, 6:30 pm, Room Union Station B

Session: Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Poster Session
Presenter: Shyam Chauhan, Ohio University
Authors: K. Alam, Ohio University
Y. Ma, Ohio University
S.B. Chauhan, Ohio University
S.R. Upadhyay, Ohio University
A.R. Smith, Ohio University
Correspondent: Click to Email

Chromium and iron surfaces have been of intense interest due to their high technological importance. Stroscio et al. investigated the electronic states of Fe(001) and Cr(001) surfaces using room temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy, finding surface state peaks at +170 meV and -50 meV, respectively, relative to the Fermi level and enabling a chemical identification of surface elemental species in FeCr alloys.[1] Later, Hanke et al. measured the temperature-dependent spectroscopy on Cr(001) surfaces and found that both orbital Kondo effect and single-particle models could be used to reasonably interpret the observed temperature-dependent Cr(001) surface peak seen at 20 meV above E_F.[2]

Recently, we have carried out a study of Fe on CrN(001) surfaces exhibiting a step-terrace morphology as grown by molecular beam epitaxy. These CrN samples are antiferromagnetic below 270 K.[3] We performed STS spectroscopy on, and between, nanometer-sized islands resulting from sub-ML Fe deposition. Spectroscopy on the clean CrN regions displays a broad dip near E_F and a peak at 125 meV, similar to the oxygenated Cr surface reported by Hanke et al. Whereas spectroscopy on the islands displays sharp spectral features exactly at, or within a few meV of, E_F. We make a case for interpreting these spectra in terms of a Kondo resonance.

[1] Stroscio et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2960 (1995).

[2] Hanke et al., Phys. Rev. B 72, 085453 (2005).

[3] Alam et al., Phys. Rev. B 96, 104433 (2017).