Invited Paper AS-ThA7
Solar Energy From a Big-Picture Perspective to Nanoscale Insights via TOF-SIMS
Thursday, October 24, 2019, 4:20 pm, Room A211
We have used time-of-flight secondary-ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to investigate the performance and reliability of solar cell materials and devices, and we will present some recent work that highlights the versatility of TOF-SIMS. This work includes: 1) Multi-scale, multi-technique investigations of photovoltaic module failure including TOF-SIMS to enable insights into the root-cause mechanisms of module degradation at the nanoscale that are observed at the length scale of meters; 2) Investigations into the performance and stability of hybrid perovskite solar cell devices and 3) Using a combination of 1-D profiling and 3-D tomography to elucidate the fundamentals of incorporating dopants in CdTe solar cells.