AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Processing and Characterization of Air-Liquid, Solid-Liquid and Air-Solid Interfaces Focus Topic Tuesday Sessions
       Session PC+AS+BI+NS+PB+SS-TuM

Invited Paper PC+AS+BI+NS+PB+SS-TuM5
Non-linear Surface Spectroscopy at the Aerosol Particle/Gas Interface

Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 9:20 am, Room 202A

Session: Solid-Liquid and Gas-Liquid Interfacial Processes and Characterization
Presenter: Ariana Gray Be, Northwestern University
Authors: Geiger, Northwestern University
A. Gray Be, Northwestern University
Correspondent: Click to Email

While the interface of the aerosol gas and particle phase is the first entity encountered by incoming gas phase species, accessing it with bond-specific methods has been hindered due to a lack of tools that can operate under ambient pressure and temperature conditions. Here, we overcome this hurdle by using nonlinear optics and demonstrate the utility of vibrational sum frequency and second harmonic generation for probing the surfaces of sea spray aerosol, secondary organic aerosol, and anthropogenic influence on them. By following the heterogeneous physical and chemical processes that drive gas-to-particle conversion, aerosol formation, their transformations and phase transitions, and reactivity, we provide the molecular origin for cloud activation.