AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition
    Nanometer-scale Science and Technology Division Wednesday Sessions
       Session NS+2D+AN+MN+MP+SE-WeM

Paper NS+2D+AN+MN+MP+SE-WeM5
Absolute Deflection Measurements in a MEMS/NEMS Fabry-Perot Interferometry System

Wednesday, October 24, 2018, 9:20 am, Room 203A

Session: Micro, Nano and Opto Mechanics
Presenter: Roberto De Alba, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Authors: R. De Alba, National Institute of Standards and Technology
C.B. Wallin, National Institute of Standards and Technology
G. Holland, National Institute of Standards and Technology
S. Krylov, Tel Aviv University, Israel
B.R. Ilic, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Correspondent: Click to Email

Micro- and nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) are among the most sensitive devices for detection of ultra-weak forces, masses, and displacements. The small scale of these structures affords them very high frequencies (MHz to GHz), high quality factors, rich nonlinear phenomena, and many other beneficial traits that make them ideal as sensors and testbeds of fundamental physics. Fabry-Perot laser interferometry is a widespread and robust technique for probing MEMS/NEMS devices because it is non-invasive and provides exceptional motion sensitivity (≈ 1 pm/Hz1/2) from DC to roughly 100 MHz. This technique utilizes the silicon substrate beneath the MEMS/NEMS device as a static reference mirror; doing so provides common-mode noise rejection in contrast to interferometers that use an external reference mirror. Furthermore, this technique is compatible with a wide range of MEMS/NEMS materials, from common insulators and conductors to graphene and other atomically-thin membranes.

Despite the many strengths of this experimental technique, it suffers from two main drawbacks. Firstly, the measured signal becomes highly nonlinear for device displacements larger than λ/4, where λ is the laser wavelength. Secondly, because the silicon backplane is immovable, there is no simple or established technique for calibrating device motion. As such, published results utilizing this setup typically report deflection in “arbitrary units.” In this work, we focus on fully characterizing the nonlinear aspects of a MEMS/NEMS Fabry-Perot interferometer and developing a generalized approach to calibrate device motion based the wavelength of light. We will demonstrate how to quickly and accurately determine both static and dynamic MEMS/NEMS deflection by measuring reflected laser power in the time domain. We will further show how a single calibration (made in the large-amplitude regime) can be applied to subsequent measurements taken at lower amplitudes as well as to measurements taken in the frequency domain (e.g. by a lock-in amplifier). Lastly, we will demonstrate the capability of imaging the first three vibrational modes of a MEMS cantilever by using a scanning laser.